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Logged events

The following sections outline the various events logged in the Monitoring section of your portal. Each event includes details on the event type, action taken, and a description.

Successful events

Event TypeActionDescription
login.completedLogin completedUser has successfully logged in.
login.email_sentMagic link/code email sentUser has been sent a magic link/code as part of the login process.
login.sms_sentMagic link/code SMS sentUser has been sent a magic link/code via SMS for login.
email_verification.sentVerification email sentUser has been sent a verification email.
email_verification.completedVerification completedUser has completed the verification process.
password_reset.email_sentReset password email sent to userUser has been sent a password reset email.
password_reset.completedPassword reset completedUser has successfully reset their password.
password_breach.email_sentPassword breach email sentUser received an email about a breached password.
signup.completedSignup completedUser has successfully signed up.
tenant_sso.completedTenant SSO completedSingle Sign-On (SAML / OIDC) handshake was successful.
prehook.completedPrehook invocation completedPrehook has been successfully invoked.
mfa.promoted_to_codePromoted for MFA codeUser was prompted for MFA.
mfa.verification.completedMFA verification completedUser has successfully logged in via MFA.
mfa.enrollment.promotedPromoted for MFA enrollmentUser was prompted to enroll in MFA.
mfa.enrollment.completedMFA enrollment completedEnrollment for MFA has been successfully completed. token exchange completedUser’s access token was successfully refreshed.
oidc.startedOIDC flow startedOIDC login flow has started for user. token exchange successfullyOIDC token has been successfully exchanged.
webhook.triggeredWebhook triggeredWebhook has been triggered successfully.
user.source.updatedUser pool updatedUser pool configuration was updated. assigned to user poolApplication(s) was assigned to a user pool.
user.source.createdUser pool createdUser pool configuration was created.
user.source.deletedUser pool deletedUser pool configuration was deleted.
applications.unassigned.from.user.sourceApplications unassigned from user poolApplication(s) was unassigned from a user pool.
scim.user-creation.requestedSCIM2 User creation requestedUser creation was requested via SCIM2. Group creation requestedGroup creation was requested via SCIM2.
scim.user-updation.requestedSCIM2 User updation requestedUser update was requested via SCIM2. Group updation requestedGroup update was requested via SCIM2.
scim.user-deletion.requestedSCIM2 User deletion requestedUser deletion was requested via SCIM2.
scim.gtoup-deletion.requestedSCIM2 Group deletion requestedGroup deletion was requested via SCIM2.

Error events

Event TypeActionDescription
login.invalid_passwordInvalid password used for loginThe password entered does not match the stored password.
email_verification.failedVerification flow failedUser failed the verification process.
login.invalid_emailInvalid email used for loginThe provided email is not in the user list.
password_reset.failedPassword reset failedUser failed to reset their password.
magic_code.failedMagic code failedOne-time code was not found or has expired.
magic_link.failedMagic link failedLink was either not found, already used, or expired.
ip_policy.validation_failedIP policy validation failedUser failed the IP policy verification and cannot log in.
tenant_sso.failedTenant SSO failedSingle Sign-On (SAML / OIDC) handshake failed.
signup.failedSignup failedUser failed to sign up.
prehook.failedPrehook invocation failedPrehook invocation has failed.
mfa.verification.failedMFA verification failedMFA verification during login flow failed.
mfa.enrollment.failedMFA enrollment failedMFA enrollment flow of tenant failed.
social_login.verification_failedSocial login verification failedUser verification through social login failed. token exchange failedToken exchange during OIDC login flow failed.
login.invalid_sessionInvalid session for loginThe session could not be found for the user.
webhook.failedWebhook failedWebhook triggering failed.
scim.user-updation.invalid-formatInvalid SCIM Field FormatUser update via SCIM2 failed due to an invalid user object or attribute.
email.send.failedSending email failedSending an email to user has failed.

Security events

Event TypeActionDescription
user.lockedUser lockedUser is locked out and cannot log in due to reaching lockout limits.
recaptcha_policy.validation_failedreCaptcha validation failedUser failed the reCaptcha verification.
lockout_policy.limit_reachedLockout policy limit reachedUser has reached lockout policy limits.
password_breach.email_sentPassword breach email sentSent an email on breached password.
security.new_device.detectedNew device detectedUser logged in with a new device.
security.impossible_travel.detectedImpossible travel detectedAn impossible travel event was detected, indicating a user login from distant locations within an unrealistic time frame.
security.breached_password.detectedBreached password detectedA login was attempted with a password known to be compromised in prior data breaches.
security.suspicious_ip.detectedSuspicious IP detectedA login attempt was made from an IP address flagged for suspicious activity.
security.bad_email_reputation.detectedBad email reputation detectedA sign-up attempt was detected using an email with a low reputation score.