Last updated

Protect your backend APIs with Flask (Python) SDK


Python ≥ 3.8

Install and initialize the SDK

Import and initialize Frontegg along with your FastApi application


The SDK defaults to Frontegg's EU region, in case you're running on one of the other regions, make sure to change the FRONTEGG_API_GATEWAY_URL to use your region's URL, instead of

from frontegg.fastapi import frontegg
from fastapi import FastAPI
import uvicorn


async def startup_event():
    await frontegg.init_app(client_id=client_id, api_key=api_key)

app = FastAPI()
app.add_event_handler("startup", startup_event) 

Protect backend routes

When using Frontegg's secure access, you can protect your baceknd routes using the authentication middleware

from frontegg.fastapi.secure_access import FronteggSecurity, User
def protected(user: User = Depends(FronteggSecurity(permissions=['my-permission']))) -> User:  
    return user

The FronteggSecurity function gets an optional argument of permission_keys to specify which permissions are required in order to access the route.

Use access tokens

When using M2M authentication, access tokens are being cached by the SDK. By default access tokens will be cached locally, however you can use one other kind of cache:

  • redis

Use Redis as your cache

When initializing your context, pass an access tokens options object with your redis parameters

access_tokens_options = {
  cache: {
    type: 'redis',
    options: {
      host: 'localhost',
      port: 6379,
      password: '',
      db: 10,

frontegg.init_app(fe_client_id, fe_api_key, options)

Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)

In order to use Frontegg, it is required that your app will be able to handle CORS. It's easy to set up:

from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware

origins = [


Working with the REST API

Frontegg offers a comprehensive REST API for your application. To use the API from your backend, you'll need to initialize the HTTP client with your credentials.

# define your base url
base_url = ""
http_client = HttpClient(client_id=<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>, api_key=<YOUR_API_KEY>, base_url=base_url)

The http client can now be used to make API requests to Frontegg's REST API (base on the provided base url).

Using the audits client

Frontegg’s Managed Audit Logs feature allows collecting custom audit logs that are specific for your application and displaying these in Frontegg's self-service component.

Creating a new client

from frontegg.common.clients import AuditsClient, HttpClient, Severity

http_client = HttpClient(client_id=<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>, api_key=<YOUR_API_KEY>, base_url=frontegg_urls.audits_service['base_url'])
audits_client = AuditsClient(http_client)

Sending audits using the client

audits_client.send_audit(audit={'severity': Severity.INFO}, tenant_id="tenant-id")


Frontegg uses python 3 built-in logging libary to log useful debugging information. To utilize this functionality, add the variable FRONTEGG_DEBUG:


Or configure it in the application:

from frontegg import frontegg_logger  
import logging  